Thursday, April 1, 2010


Howdy partners,

Just a prelude to this email. It is written in good spirits. It is written based on research, much research. It is not written to offend or upset anyone. It is written simply to ease your minds and act as a reminder. It is to remind us all that, time and unforseen occurance befall us all.

I would just like to let everyone know a few things about Mexico and life here as there seems to be some worry amongst you as to our safety etc etc etc.

Yes there are news reports about Mexico and the crime here, but Mexico is a very very big country and only a small portion of it is actually dangerous.

If we were to take up drug running or lording then we just might have a few issues, but we dont intend, at all to take that up. We will stick to jobs we can do from home over the internet, quite safe and sound.

In comparision to other large countries for "TOTAL crime statistics" Mexico doesnt make the top 10! Among the top 10 are #1 the USA #2 the UK, France, Itay, Canada, Japan.

It is true that Mexico has violent crime, no doubt, but consider 08/09 year, Mexico has a murder rate of 13 per 100,000 people, now look at the US cities in comparision, Baltimore has 43.4 per 100,000, Washington DC 29.1 per 100,000 and Detroit with 47.3 per 100,000. This is a year old but the more recent article printed in NZ also indicates that you are 3 times more likely to be the victim of violent crime in the US than you are in Mexicos cities. In fact a NZ news paper reported that NZ, Findland, Hungary, the USA and Mexico all rate in the top 5 most violent contries as of the start of 2010!! Who knew NZ is as bad as Mexico!!!!!

Most of the violent crime in Mexico is boarder city based as this is where the drugs are travelling, where are the drugs going???? The US and beyond, out of Mexico!! Something to think about.

We are miles and miles from the boarder, but yes, we do have to be careful, just as you do. There is crime everywhere and we must all use our common sense to stay away from bad associates and the dark, crimey alleys of the world. If we apply that principal we can all but hope we will be fine.

We really want to tell you all once and for all, we REALLY REALLY appreciate your concerns and thank you all for expressing them. We dont feel we have made an unsafe choice coming here and we hope you dont either.

Now remember to smile and love the life we live!

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