Monday, October 26, 2009


Its now mid to late October and we have been here for 5 months, man time flys! The locals have been saying that the weather starts to get cooler toward the end of the year and with this in mind we have been wondering if we would notice the change.

Well I have, not sure about Dave, he thinks the current temp is just perfect. I though am starting to get very cool and have been wearing long pants and occasionally breaking out a long sleeve t-shirt too!

While on the internet the other day we looked at the current temp and saw that it was 32 degrees, this was at 8pm and there I was with my long pants on and goose bumps on my arms! (true story)

Still not that much rain considering it’s the rainy season, which when it comes is quite refreshing. The days are normally long and extremely hot. Top it off with the fact that we bike everywhere from dawn till dusk, we arrive home covered in sweat, quite delightful really, NOT!

When there is no rain for weeks on end the roads which are mostly dirt get very dusty and when a car goes by it showers you not with water but clouds of dust. This is also delightful, NOT! So its after periods with no rain for weeks that we all start hanging out for the rain, even just a little would be nice. Even me with my polar bear exterior cant wait to be cooled down a little.

So yes the cooler weather is approaching and soon it will be cold. We are adapting to the weather very well and now don’t think its that hot now at all. Even on days when the locals are dying from the heat we aren’t doing too badly, that’s good, but not good when it gets cooler as we then think we are dying of frost bite, well okay its not that bad. Funny how quickly the body can adapt to new surroundings.

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