Thursday, July 8, 2010


Well, today we came across something I have never seen in the "wild".

We were in a little village witnessing and as we came around the corner we came face to face with hundreds of butterflies (mariposas in spanish).

There seemed to be two types, one that was black that had white and red markings and the other was white with black and red markings. The white ones also had what looked like a small see through window on the very top of the large wings and in some lights the white almost looked as though it was tinged with lime green. FANTASTIC!!

Although they were not swallow tail mariposas, they all had swallow tails. Long thin tails, ever so delicate.

They flew all around us landing right beside us and posing for the sister who thought to bring her camera, that was not me by the way, are you suprised??? no, Im sure youre not.

It was such a beautiful thing to behold. For me it brought back a delightful memory of when my mum took me to a butterfly house in Dunedin, NZ. There were thousands of the most magnificent butterflies you have ever seen from all over the world. They land on your hands and you can feed them. It was a wonderful time we had, one I wont forget. THANK YOU MUM! Many of these I have now had the priviledge of seeing in the "wild" both in Belize and here in Mexico.

They tell me that in many of the towns here the butterflies, monarcs and others migrate and at certain times of the year you can see literally thousands of them flying around enjoying the soft breeze and what appears to be the most tranquil of lives. I would love to see that!

What I did get to see today though was very special and one of those things you simply can not plan on seeing, making it all the more special.

What a Grand Creator we have and what a blessing to be able to enjoy the beauty he has given us!!

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