Monday, July 20, 2009


Have been having some awesome experiences, here is one.

I had the first study with a young lady in this house but have since not been able to get her home. However, when I went there the other day a lady came out with this strange look on her face. I thought "oh, Imp going to be told off or something" I explained who I was and why I was there and she just looks at me and says "are you the one that gave Whitney that little yellow book?" Yes I said thinking again that she was going to tell me to go away and not to bother her family. Turns out Whitney is going out with this Lady Ann’s son. She goes on to say "I’m so pleased to find you. I saw Whitney’s book and fell in love with it. I didn’t know where she got it though and I wanted one. I even thought about just taking it and pretending it had gone missing!" I laughed and handed her, her very own copy of the "teach" book. She literally jumped up and down in enjoyment!

She then went on to explain that she is a teacher in a Catholic school and that for some time had not been feeling good about what she had seen going on at the school. She explained that they teach the kids the 10 commandments but that the church has taken out the command not to worship idols! This would make 9 commands you would think. But to combat that they have taken one of the other commands and split in to two so it still appears there are 10. I was amazed at hearing this, she was quite distressed that this and other things have been going on. She explained some other things and my jaw dropped again. Her words were "I can’t believe that they claim to teach the truth from the bible but they don’t even use it, and if they do they change it to suit themselves". She was very angry about this, but did not know what to do.
When she saw the teach book she could see how often the bible was used in it and was delighted at the prospect of being able to see what the bible says about different matters. But of course she could not take it from Whitney.

She asked me if I could help her to pray as she had been having difficulty doing so. I showed her Matt 6:7 which clearly says, not to be saying the same thing over and over, I then showed her the rest of the chapter which talks about the model prayer and that this was meant to be a guide as to how to pray, not something that should be said over and over. We then looked at Ps 65:2 that Jehovah is the hearer of prayer, then John 14:6 and 14 which say that we must approach Jehovah in prayer through the name of Jesus Christ and then 1 John 3:22 which says whatever we ask in accord with God will, will be given us. I explained what this all meant and how it would help when she formulated her own heartfelt prayers to God. She was so excited.

I asked if she had her own bible, to which she said no as she has never had to use one at her church! She asked if I could get one for her. "Of course" I said, "but until then would you like me to write down the scriptures we just read so you can look them up again when you get a bible of your own". She says"well do you have one now?" I said "not on me no, but I do have one at home I can get for you". She says "can you please go get it now, I have learnt so much already that I want to be able to read more, right now! I have been hungry for a friendship with God and feel I can have one now" So off I went. I came back in about 10 mins with a new bible for her. Again when she received it she literally jumped with joy, she had tears in her eyes, she was so thankful and excited. She clutched it to her chest and would not stop thanking me.

She then asks me to come inside as she has some more questions she would like to ask. We go inside and about three hours later I leave. In that time she asked, where are the dead and can they hurt us? What is judgment day? Does the bible teach that the wicked go to hell and burn forever? Could I explain the Trinity and much more? I made a point of using the bible to answer all her questions so she could see that I wasn’t making things up and that she could trust what she was learning because she read it in black and white in the bible. This was very important to her, because she has seen over the years religions claim to base their beliefs on the bible but not using the bible to prove them.

Very quickly you could see the relief in her face when she learnt that Ecc 9:5,6,10 say the dead are conscious of nothing, so how could they know they were in heaven or hell anyway. Asked her where we were before we were born? Were we somewhere else waiting to be born? Of course not. So then when we die we don’t go of somewhere either, we go back to being nothing as we were before birth. Death is the opposite of life. I showed her Act 7:60 and 1 Cor 15:6 that refer to death as sleep. Then showed her Gen 3:19 which says that we came from the dust, so back to the dust we go in death.

She was amazed that nowhere in the bible does the teaching of hellfire exist and that even the Catholic Encyclopedia states that the Trinity is not a bible based teaching that is based on man made doctrine from hundreds of years ago, that the word Trinity doesn’t even appear in the bible once! This was blowing her mind.

She learnt from the bible that the wicked do not burn in hell but that they are asleep in death as are most who have died, she learnt that the bible teaches in John 5:28,29 that our dead loved ones will be bought back to life right here on earth when it is a paradise again as God originally purposed for Adam and Eve. That there are 9 examples of this in the bible, none of which mentioned they had just been bought back to the earth from heaven. She also learnt what judgment day is.

I could see that strange look on her face again and asked what she was thinking. She said "I can’t believe I have been teaching these thing, it’s so clear the bible doesn’t not teach them!" I agreed with her. She then said "this is why you must use the bible to prove what you believe. Sometimes we just think that we would never be lied to by our churches and that priest would always tell the truth. But if they have never been shown the truth, how can they teach it" We spoke some more and she thanked me for showing her from the bible the answers to her questions.

We arranged a time to go through the Teach book and she wanted to know if I could come twice a week as once would not be often enough.

I went home and told Dave all about her and how excited I was that the bible has the power to reach the heart of rightly disposed ones. I also said to Dave "I wonder what she will do. As she learns more she find other things re not quite right either, will she stop or will she keep going?"
The next day I went to visit Whitney again, but again she was not there. Ann came out again all excited, she says "I have not been able to put that book and my bible down. I have marked and read all the scriptures in the first three chapters. I went down and bought a note book, I have written all the scriptures in it along with the main points from the book and when school starts again (its holidays here) I’m going to use my note book and that book and my bible to teach the kids what I have learnt. I have been teaching those kids lies and they need to know the truth!" I said "well that’s brave of you, but you might get in real trouble for doing that" She just said "I don’t care. I have found the truth in the bible and that’s what those kids need to be told, not lies."

She asked me if we had any books specifically designed for children of all ages that she could use in class. I told her about the Great Teacher, the Bible Stories and the Young People Ask books and said she was welcome to as many of them as she needed. She asked if I could bring back one of each so she could look at them. This I did and she took the YPA book for her teenage children at home and will have a look at the others for the younger children at school.

Miss Ann got rushed to America the next day as she had pressing family issues to deal with and wont be back until the 6th Aug. I will eagerly await her return so I can share more good news with her and you readers. There is now another part to this experience with Cheyenne, Miss Ann’s daughter. That I will explain next.

What a wonderful privilege it is to know the truth, it really does set you free! John 8:32

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