Monday, August 9, 2010


So check this out.

We were all around at a sisters house the other day helping her move. Nothing strange about that. But this is Mexico and nothing is what it seems!

Sooooooo, all of a sudden there is a screeching of breaks and dust flying as the house is surrounded by three huge trucks full of Federalies (Federal Police). They are all clad with black balaclavas and automatic machine guns!!! And breathe....... we are still alive and no Im not writting this from prison!

Within seconds they have strategically positioned themselves for self protection, but for the best shot at us too.

Some marched straight into the house pointed their guns at the guys and started stearing them down without blinking.

Another one spoke to one of the brothers and asked him what we where all doing. He explained that we were simply helping his daughter move house and that we were all Jehovahs Witnesses. He asked what they were doing in their house!?

The officer explained that someone had made a call to them, informing them that there were lots of people gathered at the address, coming and going and that we must be selling/dealing drugs!!!! Nice neighbours!

Once we explained who we were he had no hesitation in leaving at all and could see the misunderstanding. However even after this had been explained none of the other armed officers moved until they were given the okay.

Dave said that there was one positioned across the road with a clear shot right through the window at him. That he never took his eye off Dave not even for a second!

Just as well all the kids were still at the old house as they would have been terrified.

In the end all turned out well and the officers left without a drug bust from us that day!

Oh how exciting things are here! That is something we would never dream of having happen to us in NZ.

Makes me wonder what will happen on the weekend when we move!!!

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