Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Well as I write this I sit in the absolute middle of two massive thunder an lightning storms!!

The sky is almost continuously aglow with fork and sheet lightning with only moments of darkness.

Crackling along as though crawling toward you, you can hear the rolls of thunder and then the most almighty eruption of noise like nothing you have heard before!

There are car alarms being triggered all around and the noise of the wind ripping through the trees adds to the drama.

Some of the thunder sounds as though a skyscraper full of bullets has been struck as there are piercing sharp bangs mimicking gun shots, echoing from left to right.

On all sides the eruptions of sound and light continue, just when one hits another and another does without delay or warning.

So far we have been entertained for nearly an hour, in time though it will creep off into the distance and leave us with only the memory.

This is dedicated to you Robin, wish you were here to see it Robin!!

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