Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hmmmmm we seem to be jumping back in time here. I will do this a little as there is still so very much to tell about Belize, so enjoy or get over it.

We were sitting on our porch one afternoon and I noticed that there were all these vultures sitting up in our palm tree. About 8 of them.

I watched them for ages flying down and back up and soon began to wonder what they were flying down for. Thinking, hmmmm vultures they are scavengers, what are they up to.

On closer inspection I found that there was a huge pigs head in the middle of the road and the vultures were having a field day with it.

Some would stand on guard while the others all had a good ol peck at it. They would try to fly off with it but that was never going to happen it was that big.

I wentback to my seat and thought to myself, "there goes a pigs head"!

My how funny the things we get used too!

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