Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Well I never thought Id hear myself say this again, but "I love it when it rains!!!!"

Finally after nearly three months it has rained. Twice in 24 hours even!! I dont just mean rain, I mean RAAAAIIIINNNNN! Its awesome!

Big thunder and lightening to go with it too, excellent.

It has just started to get extra special hot, just in the last two or three days really and the rain has come with it.

The rain cools it down for about 10 mins which is really nice and then it turns into a sauna!!! hmmmmm not so excellent!!

But its rain baby, yahoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Out witnessing the other day Dave goes to do one of his calls. Its Siesta time and many people are resting then.

He goes to the gate and calls out to the man in the usual fashion here. The lady from the house pops up from the bed right by the window, semi dressed I might add. Dave all flustered still asks to speak to the man he calls on.

Next thing, he pops up from the bed too! They had been sleeping and we had woken them.

Now Dave even more flustered says to them and I quote " I leavo a magazino?"

It was soooo funny, he had no idea what he had just said and asked me when we got to the street what I was laughing about. I tell him what he just said and he goes "Nooooooo I never said that!" I replied " Yeah ya did!" He and I just cracked up laughing, it was hillarious!! THATS WHAT WE CALL SPANGLISH BABY!!

We then walk past this bike shop and Dave asks the guys in weird Spanish how much for ALL the bikes..... the guys eyes nearly popped out of his head as dollar signs ran around in front of his eyes. Im thinking, Oh man how am I going to get out of this one!

The man says, "ALL of them???" "Oh no just this one and this one!" Dave replies. The man says "well this one is bla bla price and this one is a little more as it has a changer (gears)" Dave then says "Ahhhh geares"!!!! No thats not Spanish! ITS SPANGLISH BABY YEAH!!!

The funniest thing of all was the lady Dave had said "I leavo a magazino" to, replied "no worries!" in perfect english!!

All of you that speak or are learning Spanish will appreciate this from a different point of view, but good for a giggle aye!!