Monday, September 28, 2009


Some of you might be wondering what type of wild life we have around here, well heres a little list of some of the animals that frequent our house and property.

In the house:
- Scorpions!
- Geckos
- Massive wolf spiders
- Ants teeny tiny and HUGE
-Rather large silver fish that actually look like little fish
- Oh yeah and then there’s that Rat we had to kill

Outside the house:
- A white owl
- A strange looking pointy nosed opossum
- Squirrels
- Hummingbirds
- Spiders again and geckos and more and more and more ants big and small
- Parakeets
- A chicken hawk!
- A great big iguana
- Beautiful butterflies
- Big turkey vultures

So folks, that’s just some of the wildlife we get to see from our porch each night and on the wall if you happen to open your eyes in the night.

Sometimes we have bets on which way the Opossum will go when it run along the top of the fence, left or right or straight ahead, it’s exciting stuff folks!

Still waiting on seeing a real live Toucan , but will keep you posted.


So the local entertainment here is Karaoke. Yes that’s right! The very very sad thing is that there is no one here who can actually sing! Therefore most nights of the week there is a Karaoke group somewhere close by and if you like it or not you have the wonderful privilege of listening to it, yippee.

But wait there’s more! The only songs they seem to have on the selection ore high pitched Celine Dion song, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Not only do you have no choice but to listen to it, but you have to be subjected to murder by voice over and over again, yippee I say again.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Today some of the neighbourhood kids came by to play with us. I organised a game of Hide and Seek for them. It was hilarious!

There is one kid who has just turned six (Garreth and Lisa, this is little Jaheem from across the road). He has the most delightful giggle you will ever hear. He doesnt really understand the rules yet so this makes for an interesting game.

When he goes to hide, he manages to stay quiet for about 10 seconds then erupts into this giggling fit. He cant stay still in one place for more then 15 seconds so he leaves his perfectly good hiding place and runs out into the open, where of course he gets caught!

Another little girl who plays, runs and hides and waits patiently for the counting to stop and the seeking to start. The counter then calls, "ready or not here I come" she then answers him by saying, "okay, Im ready"! Of course in doing so, she gives her hiding place away!

This happens every time and she and Jaheem cannot figure out how they keep getting caught! Its so cute and funny. You just have to laugh right along with them.

They are having fun and thats the main thing!

Rules are made to be broken after all!!!


I had my first attempt at baking cookies here the other day, hmmm that was funny since i didnt have an oven try or anything! I used good ol, Kiwi Ingenuity and made one out of tin foil, worked quite well i have to say! The biscuits, however we another thing.

They werent burnt or anything, in fact they came out looking quite good although a little pale. They tasted alright too but i feel there was something missing in them. I think next time i will put more golden syrup in them and see if that makes a difference.

It was funny though, cos inside our house during the day its boiling hot, add to that the heat from the oven and you have more than any sauna you would pay to sit in! Oh man, I had so much sweat running off me it was quite ridiculous, hmm on second thought maybe thats why the biscuits tasted funny! Nah, just kidding. Normally i dont sweat a whole lot, so for me to be nothing but a great big pile a sweat is something. Yuck yuck yuck!

I will have another go when I feel i can brave the heat in there again. Man i wish i could bottle the heat and send to you all so you could feel what its like.

Garreth and Lisa, Im sure you know exactly what I mean!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Here in Belize, most people get around on push bikes, there are somecars around but they are very expensive to buy.

We saw this lady go by on a bike the other day, try to imagine this:

The lady is sitting on the seat, on EACH hip there is a small child maybe about 1-2 yrs old,standing on the bar in the middle is another little boy, then there is another boy sitting on the handle bars. The boy that is standing and occasionally the lady are steering the bike!

Oh man I could not believe my eyes! Thats 5 people on a push bike!!! Anyone game to try that??