We were at one of my studies on Wednesday. Her house is up on a steep hill and we sit outside under a huge tree over looking the valley. It is just magnificent from up there, you can see for miles. Anyway, during the study out the corner of my eye I see something move. I look a little closer to see a Coral Snake (only one of the most poisonous snakes here? go slithering off into the long grass. This no longer bothers me as its a fairly common occurrence at this study. Man I have seen some weird animals up there!
Also during the study some of the little kids were playing in the sand behind us, only a few feet from where we were sitting. Suddenly one of the kids comes over holding this little egg. She shows it to us. The sister I was with thought that it was an iguana egg but Anna the student says rather tensely, "No its a snake egg"! Neato!!!! Then next thing the kids start hauling all these eggs out of the ground. About 10-15 in total. Some of them even have these tiny little snakes hatching out of them!
The kids find great delight in killing them all and smashing the eggs. This of course is very wise as they are tiny little versions of the Coral Snake I had just seen. We tell the kids to stop digging and leave as the mother snake might still be there under the surface of the sand. If she saw what the kids were doing to her eggs she would attack and defend her nest. (When was the last time you had this problem at one of our bible studies?) The kids just ignored us and carried on anyway. I guess in their world this is quite normal and the do this all the time.
The stink thing was that right at the start of the study I had taken my camera out to take a photo of the beautiful view and for some reason it would not work. It turned on but I couldnt get it to take a photo or turn it off, nothing. I was really worried, thinking, great now we have to camera for the rest o our visit! So when all this drama erupted I had no camera to photograph it!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so annoyed.
How often do you have a snake nest next to you, not every day!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Strange Events!
We saw this guy the other day that was walking down the road with this weird looking animal on a leash. As we got closer we see that its actually a Racoon! Yes that’s right. It was quite happily walking along like it was a dog, it was the strangest thing.
Oh yeah then there was the day. There was a guy riding his bike in front of us and then suddenly the sack that he had over the handle bars fell off onto the road. The sack starts moving around and almost getting up and walking away! What on earth was happening we thought. Next thing a chicken sticks its head out the top of the bag! Believe it or not, thats not that uncommon here! Just uncommon where we come from!
Oh yeah then there was the day. There was a guy riding his bike in front of us and then suddenly the sack that he had over the handle bars fell off onto the road. The sack starts moving around and almost getting up and walking away! What on earth was happening we thought. Next thing a chicken sticks its head out the top of the bag! Believe it or not, thats not that uncommon here! Just uncommon where we come from!
The Innocence Of Youth
Well this was a funny experience I had with a little girl the other day. She is about 7yrs old.
We were studying the bible stories book and were doing the story about Adam and Eve being put in the garden of Eden. I asked her if she would like to live in a beautiful place like that? To my surprise she shakes her head no! I asked her why she wouldn’t want to live there. She points to the lions and says “its not safe to live there, the animals will hurt you”. I then told her that in Gods new world, children and animals will live together and that no one even the children will have to fear the animals. She looks at me with these wide eager eyes and says “ What did you say?” I said it again and she says “are you serious? Promise!” I said “ yes I promise and so just does Jehovah”. She then looks sideways at me with this funny look on her face and holding her little finger out to me asks me to “pinky swear” on it!
How cute is that!!! I have to say that is the first time I have had to pinky swear on the bible! I thought you would all enjoy that experience of the innocence of youth.
We were studying the bible stories book and were doing the story about Adam and Eve being put in the garden of Eden. I asked her if she would like to live in a beautiful place like that? To my surprise she shakes her head no! I asked her why she wouldn’t want to live there. She points to the lions and says “its not safe to live there, the animals will hurt you”. I then told her that in Gods new world, children and animals will live together and that no one even the children will have to fear the animals. She looks at me with these wide eager eyes and says “ What did you say?” I said it again and she says “are you serious? Promise!” I said “ yes I promise and so just does Jehovah”. She then looks sideways at me with this funny look on her face and holding her little finger out to me asks me to “pinky swear” on it!
How cute is that!!! I have to say that is the first time I have had to pinky swear on the bible! I thought you would all enjoy that experience of the innocence of youth.
Monday, August 17, 2009

So this is how we spend a night each week.
We get on our trusty bikes and ride down the road towards Pelican Beach. This is a lovely spot where Dangrigas only real resort is (Its not really that flash or resort like but it is nicer than most other places).
On the way there we go past a place called Amigos, this is a little shed on the side of the road where you can buy fried chicken, Belizean style for $3! We grab two of these and carry on up the road to the beach.
At the beach, there is a pier that heads out over the Caribbean Sea. At the end is a hut with no sides and three hammocks hanging under it. This is where we sit and eat our chicken, mmmmmm paradise you might say.
Sometimes we sit in the hammock and other times we sit with our feet swinging in the warm waters of the Caribbean. From here we look out over the town of Dangriga and in the distance we can see storms raging on the horizon. The storms are often so far away that you cannot hear the thunder, just see the lightening. It is quite beautiful. Most nights there is a storm out there somewhere, so we can watch it from a far. Most nights also there is a pink tinge to the sky as the sun sets on the opposite coast to us. This lights up all the sky in the most magical way. I have put a little picture of our spot on here for you, so you can imagine us sitting there. Don’t get jealous now!
We get on our trusty bikes and ride down the road towards Pelican Beach. This is a lovely spot where Dangrigas only real resort is (Its not really that flash or resort like but it is nicer than most other places).
On the way there we go past a place called Amigos, this is a little shed on the side of the road where you can buy fried chicken, Belizean style for $3! We grab two of these and carry on up the road to the beach.
At the beach, there is a pier that heads out over the Caribbean Sea. At the end is a hut with no sides and three hammocks hanging under it. This is where we sit and eat our chicken, mmmmmm paradise you might say.
Sometimes we sit in the hammock and other times we sit with our feet swinging in the warm waters of the Caribbean. From here we look out over the town of Dangriga and in the distance we can see storms raging on the horizon. The storms are often so far away that you cannot hear the thunder, just see the lightening. It is quite beautiful. Most nights there is a storm out there somewhere, so we can watch it from a far. Most nights also there is a pink tinge to the sky as the sun sets on the opposite coast to us. This lights up all the sky in the most magical way. I have put a little picture of our spot on here for you, so you can imagine us sitting there. Don’t get jealous now!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
We were asked by a brother and sister the other day if we would like to come with them to a place called Placencia. We had heard of it and seen photos that Garreth and Lisa Collard had shown us from their trip so we were very excited to be going there. Rene and Teri had asked us to go and Mandy also came along with us.
We piled into their pickup truck and headed off. Dave and I never having been there had no idea what the road would be like and thus it became quite an adventure. I wish we could have a permanent camera rolling so you could all experience what we have been.
Most of the way the road was good by Belizean standards. We headed toward a bridge that was washed away some time ago in a massive flood that came down the valley. There is now a couple of planks really that span the river that you very carefully drive over! Neato! We made it safely to the other side. On we went again. We drove past some of the cutest little villages where the kids would run along waving at us. We past banana plantations, orange groves and vast jungle type bush. We then turned off the main highway into the road out to Placencia.
This was where the fun began! They are trying to pave this road, which is taking years and as a result of all the huge trucks travelling the road there are now massive holes and ruts all along it. Just as well we were in a four wheel drive! There has been no real rain in weeks and thus the road is extremely dusty. The points where we were travelling directly behind a truck were ridiculous, you could not see at all to pass them and the road was so rubbish you couldnt pass in any kind of a hurry either. Here we would take life into our hands and hope that there was no one coming and that they we travelling just as slow as we were! Neato again! We reach the tip of the Placencia spit and man is it beautiful!
On either side of us only meters away is crystal clear water! Placencia is at the very end of a spit that is not wide at all. It is lined with palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze.
This is quite a tourist spot but the wonderful thing is that it is no commercialised at all. There is a Gellato ice cream place which I have to say we went to TWICE! mmmmmm.
We had chicken nachos with a block of cheese on it for lunch. The little place we ate at was right on the beach so we had an exquisite view of the Caribbean from our table. We then went and sat on the beach and watched Dave and Rene swim in the warm water! How weird is that. The water really is warm, like a lukewarm bath! It is however still cooler than out of the water so still somewhat refreshing.
We spent the day here just relaxing and wandering through the quaint little shops. We have decided that we will make a trip there every few months to have a break from the very busy pace of life we now lead, he he he
We will try and put some pictures up for you all, but the "cafe" does not have good speed, so this could be a problem. We will see what we can do.
All in all, we had a wonderful day, good company, great view, great food, the good life!
We piled into their pickup truck and headed off. Dave and I never having been there had no idea what the road would be like and thus it became quite an adventure. I wish we could have a permanent camera rolling so you could all experience what we have been.
Most of the way the road was good by Belizean standards. We headed toward a bridge that was washed away some time ago in a massive flood that came down the valley. There is now a couple of planks really that span the river that you very carefully drive over! Neato! We made it safely to the other side. On we went again. We drove past some of the cutest little villages where the kids would run along waving at us. We past banana plantations, orange groves and vast jungle type bush. We then turned off the main highway into the road out to Placencia.
This was where the fun began! They are trying to pave this road, which is taking years and as a result of all the huge trucks travelling the road there are now massive holes and ruts all along it. Just as well we were in a four wheel drive! There has been no real rain in weeks and thus the road is extremely dusty. The points where we were travelling directly behind a truck were ridiculous, you could not see at all to pass them and the road was so rubbish you couldnt pass in any kind of a hurry either. Here we would take life into our hands and hope that there was no one coming and that they we travelling just as slow as we were! Neato again! We reach the tip of the Placencia spit and man is it beautiful!
On either side of us only meters away is crystal clear water! Placencia is at the very end of a spit that is not wide at all. It is lined with palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze.
This is quite a tourist spot but the wonderful thing is that it is no commercialised at all. There is a Gellato ice cream place which I have to say we went to TWICE! mmmmmm.
We had chicken nachos with a block of cheese on it for lunch. The little place we ate at was right on the beach so we had an exquisite view of the Caribbean from our table. We then went and sat on the beach and watched Dave and Rene swim in the warm water! How weird is that. The water really is warm, like a lukewarm bath! It is however still cooler than out of the water so still somewhat refreshing.
We spent the day here just relaxing and wandering through the quaint little shops. We have decided that we will make a trip there every few months to have a break from the very busy pace of life we now lead, he he he
We will try and put some pictures up for you all, but the "cafe" does not have good speed, so this could be a problem. We will see what we can do.
All in all, we had a wonderful day, good company, great view, great food, the good life!
Howdy all,
Been crazy busy the last few weeks and we have had a little trouble emailing etc.
Here is the story of our "internet cafe".
To check our emails here in Belize we go to the educational centre which is right on the beach (Garreth and Lisa, its the one behind the market next to the social security building). If you go there after business hours you can tap into their wifi connection for free. Yay free internet. The speed is not very good but its free and at least we can send and receive emails. Most of the locals come down here to use the "net"too. The staff are quite happy for people to do this, so we will use and abuse it along with the locals.
Picture this:
We put on our backpacks and get on our bikes. We ride through town waving and saying "goodnight" to the locals (thats what they say hear after about 6pm as a normal greeting, it feels weird saying it when Im not about to go to bed). We ride over the river and head off behind the market. We ride toward the beach with the sea breeze blowing in our faces, delightful! We come around the corner and often find one or two other people already at the internet spot. We see the same people most of the time so we all know each other quite well now. We all sit in a long row along the top of the stairs tapping away on our keyboards. Little giggles erupt among us every now and then as we each read funny things we have been sent. In fact we must all look quite hilarious sitting out there with the wind blowing on us and only the light from our computers lighting us up.
We have named this spot our "internet cafe" or "Cafe", so if you hear me mention that, now you know what Im talking about.
We would love to hear from you all, as we miss everyone heaps. We have heard from a couple of ya, but would love to hear from more.
Take care you guys, may Jah bless you all!
Been crazy busy the last few weeks and we have had a little trouble emailing etc.
Here is the story of our "internet cafe".
To check our emails here in Belize we go to the educational centre which is right on the beach (Garreth and Lisa, its the one behind the market next to the social security building). If you go there after business hours you can tap into their wifi connection for free. Yay free internet. The speed is not very good but its free and at least we can send and receive emails. Most of the locals come down here to use the "net"too. The staff are quite happy for people to do this, so we will use and abuse it along with the locals.
Picture this:
We put on our backpacks and get on our bikes. We ride through town waving and saying "goodnight" to the locals (thats what they say hear after about 6pm as a normal greeting, it feels weird saying it when Im not about to go to bed). We ride over the river and head off behind the market. We ride toward the beach with the sea breeze blowing in our faces, delightful! We come around the corner and often find one or two other people already at the internet spot. We see the same people most of the time so we all know each other quite well now. We all sit in a long row along the top of the stairs tapping away on our keyboards. Little giggles erupt among us every now and then as we each read funny things we have been sent. In fact we must all look quite hilarious sitting out there with the wind blowing on us and only the light from our computers lighting us up.
We have named this spot our "internet cafe" or "Cafe", so if you hear me mention that, now you know what Im talking about.
We would love to hear from you all, as we miss everyone heaps. We have heard from a couple of ya, but would love to hear from more.
Take care you guys, may Jah bless you all!
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